BillerudKorsnäs chooses Leonova Diamond
In late 2012, SPM delivered two units of the recently launched portable instrument Leonova Diamond® to BillerudKorsnäs, world leading supplier of packaging materials.
In its production unit in Gävle, Sweden, BillerudKorsnäs manufactures liquid packaging board, WTL and kraft and sack paper. The production capacity is 700 ktonnes/year. About 780 people are employed at the facility in Gävle.
At the pulp mill, the maintenance department also uses Leonova™ Infinity and SPM HD® with the Intellinova online system for measurement on low-speed machinery. Leonova Infinity™ is also in use at the board mill. The recent investment in two additional instruments now enables the board mill to extend its portable measurement routines.
Maintenance manager Lars Tängnander comments on the choice of SPM and Leonova Diamond®: ”It was not an obvious choice. We discussed the types of equipment failures that occur in the plant and how they can be detected. Vibration and shock pulse measurement have both been used earlier on rotating equipment and they both have their pros and cons. We did not wish to purchase more instruments and felt we get everything we need in Leonova Diamond. SPM HD in a portable instrument also enables us to detect bearing damages in low rpm equipment.”